A suite of apps for collectors on Mac, iPad and iPhone.
The suite of apps designed for Euro coins fans has been updated and expanded with the release of a version for Mac OS X.
Collectors will now be able to browse and manage their virtual album on an Apple computer, in a window or full-screen, with the handy iCloud synchronization of collection data.
The app has also been enhanced for the MacBook Pro with Retina display, which means enjoying a graphics four times more detailed than the standard one.
iPhone and iPad apps have been updated to version 1.6.1 e 1.2.1.
In all versions the 15 2-Euro commemorative coins of the 2013 are included, some of them already issued and others announced for the end of the year, such as the coin that Monaco will issue in december to celebrate the “20 years since the UN Accession”.
Even for the designs of the 2-Euro 2013 historical events and people who contributed building Europe and its culture have been chosen, such as the double emission by France and Germany celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, or the italian emission dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi bicentenary.
With the Macintosh version, the suite of apps Euro Munt Verzameling makes another step to satisfy the requests of collectors and amateur numismatists, becoming a reference point among apps about numismatics.
Main features (Mac, iPhone and iPad):
• Support for the Retina display
• iCloud synchronization of collection data
• Interactive album to view all Euro coins at a glance
• Special mini-albums for german and greek mintmarks
• Detailed images of more than 340 different coin designs
• Easy management of the “Own”, “Want” and “Swap” lists
• Year, grade, mint mark and edge type for each coin
• Maps and info about the 20 Euro-area countries
• Localized in 7 languages: english, german, french, italian, dutch, portuguese, spanish
• Fully functional when offline
Euro Munt Verzameling runs on Macintosh computers with OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” or later.
OS X 10.8 “Lion” or later is required to enable iCloud features and Facebook or Twitter sharing.
Price and availability:
Euro Munt Verzameling (Mac) is available for 8,99€ on the Mac App Store:
http://itunes.apple.com/app/euro-coin-c ... 1475?mt=12
Euro Munt Verzameling HD (iPad) is available for 3,59€ on the App Store:
http://itunes.apple.com/app/euro-coin-c ... 92305?mt=8
Euro Munt Verzameling (iPhone) is available for 1,79€ on the App Store:
http://itunes.apple.com/app/euro-coin-c ... 74308?mt=8
Euro Munt Verzameling site: http://eurocoin.albegor.com
Special promotion for Munthunter.nl members:
Email to davide.orlando@albegor.com to get a redeem code to download the app (iPad and iPhone versions only) for free!
Euro Munt Verzameling now also for Mac OS X
Plaats hier berichten over software waarmee bijvoorbeeld een muntenverzameling digitaal kan worden bijhouden.
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- Berichten: 10
- Lid geworden op: 27 nov 2011, 11:36
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Euro Munt Verzameling now also for Mac OS X
Bericht door Albegor »
Re: Euro Munt Verzameling now also for Mac OS X
Bericht door zooropa431 »
Davide thank you very much for the promotion code, i really love the app! I think i will purchase the app on my imac soon!
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