Slowakije 2016
Moderator: euromunter
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 7457
- Lid geworden op: 07 aug 2009, 20:52
- Locatie: Hengelo
Slowakije 2016
Hier komt het programma van Slowakije voor 2016.
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 7457
- Lid geworden op: 07 aug 2009, 20:52
- Locatie: Hengelo
Re: Slowakije 2016
Groeten PaulNBS schreef:
The Bank Board approved the Issue Plan for Commemorative Coins and Collector Coins for 2016-2020. Over this period, NBS will issue four €2 commemorative coins, eighteen €10 silver collector coins, three €20 silver collector coins, one €25 silver collector coin and five €100 gold collector coins.
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 7457
- Lid geworden op: 07 aug 2009, 20:52
- Locatie: Hengelo
Re: Slowakije 2016
Groeten Paul
Je hebt niet voldoende permissies om de bijlagen van dit bericht te bekijken.
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 7457
- Lid geworden op: 07 aug 2009, 20:52
- Locatie: Hengelo
Re: Slowakije 2016
De muntensets voor 2016:
1. XXXI. Olympische Spelen in Rio de Janeiro 2016
Oplage 9.000 stuks in BU-kwaliteit, 3.000 in Prooflike kwaliteit waarvan 1.000 sets in een exclusieve houten cassette.
Uitgifte in februari.
2. Eerste Voorzitterschap van Slowakije in de Raad van de EU (incl. 2 euro herdenkingsmunt)
Oplage 3.500 sets in BU-kwaliteit, uitgifte in maart.
3. EK Voetbal 2016 in Frankrijk (zonder het Nederlandse Elftal
Oplage 4.000 sets in BU-kwaliteit, uitgifte in juni.
4. Moderne financiële verklaring van Slowakije
Oplage 3.000 sets in BU-kwaliteit, uitgifte in juli.
5. UNESCO Wereld Cultuur Erfgoederen in Slowakije - Levoča, Spišer Burcht en monumenten in de omgeving
Oplage 3.500 sets, uitgifte in september.
Groeten Paul
1. XXXI. Olympische Spelen in Rio de Janeiro 2016
Oplage 9.000 stuks in BU-kwaliteit, 3.000 in Prooflike kwaliteit waarvan 1.000 sets in een exclusieve houten cassette.
Uitgifte in februari.
2. Eerste Voorzitterschap van Slowakije in de Raad van de EU (incl. 2 euro herdenkingsmunt)
Oplage 3.500 sets in BU-kwaliteit, uitgifte in maart.
3. EK Voetbal 2016 in Frankrijk (zonder het Nederlandse Elftal

Oplage 4.000 sets in BU-kwaliteit, uitgifte in juni.
4. Moderne financiële verklaring van Slowakije
Oplage 3.000 sets in BU-kwaliteit, uitgifte in juli.
5. UNESCO Wereld Cultuur Erfgoederen in Slowakije - Levoča, Spišer Burcht en monumenten in de omgeving
Oplage 3.500 sets, uitgifte in september.
Groeten Paul
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 2532
- Lid geworden op: 16 mar 2012, 10:57
- Locatie: Onder Rotterdam
Re: Slowakije 2016
Gr, StephanNárodná banka Slovenska schreef: €10 silver collector coin
Ladislav Nádaši-Jégé – the 150th anniversary of the birth
Ladislav Nádaši-Jégé (12 February 1866 – 2 July 1940) was one of the central figures of Slovak literature in the interwar period and a leading exponent of Slovak literary naturalism. In the first phase of his writing, during the late 1880s and 1890s, he produced satirical prose works including Žart (Joke), Vada (Defect), Výhody spoločenského života (The upsides of social life), Omyl (Error), Kúra (Cure), and Pomsta (Revenge). His second phase, covering the 1920s and 1930s, was marked by a tendency towards historicism and by a gradual shift away from short stories and novellas to novels. Among the notable works from this time were Wieniawského legenda (Wieniawski's legend, 1922), Adam Šangala (1924), Kuruci (1925), Magister rytier Donč (Knight Donč the Magister, 1926), Horymír (1926), and Svätopluk (1928). Besides prose, Nádaši-Jégé wrote plays, articles on health awareness and works of literary journalism. In the novel Cesta životom (Journey through life, 1930), he returned to a more contemporary topic – the petit bourgeoisie of Slovak society from the 1890s to 1918 – through which he elaborated his pessimistic and ironic perception of the world. His later work also featured humorous prose centred on village life.
Description of the coin
The obverse of the coin depicts a book listing the best known titles of Jégé’s literary works and in the right bottom corner it is accompanied by the historical figure of a sitting warrior. To the left of the book there is the coat of arms of the Slovak Republic and the sign of a nominal value of 10 EURO. The name of the state SLOVENSKO is situated in the lower part of the coin field. The date 2016 is below it. The Kremnica mint mark is to the left of the date and the mark of designer Asamat Baltaev to the right of it.
A portrait of Ladislav Nádaši-Jégé is depicted on the reverse of the coin. Below, in two lines stands the name LADISLAV NÁDAŠI-JÉGÉ and the dates of his birth and death 1866 – 1940 are below the name.
Coin’s data
Designer: Asamat Baltaev, DiS.
Material: Ag 900, Cu 100
Weight: 18 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Edge: inscription: „– PROZAIK – PUBLICISTA – LITERÁRNY KRITIK“ (Prosaist – publicist – literary reviewer)
Producer: Kremnica Mint
Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt
Number of pieces minted:
brilliant uncirculated quality: 3,200
proof quality: 5,600
Date of issue: 19 January 2016
Laatst gewijzigd door Stephan O op 19 mei 2016, 10:41, 1 keer totaal gewijzigd.
Verzameling 2 euromunten uit de circulatie: 193/368 CC (52,4%) + 176/337 'Normaal' (51,9%) Totaal: 369/705 stuks (52,3%)
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 2532
- Lid geworden op: 16 mar 2012, 10:57
- Locatie: Onder Rotterdam
Re: Slowakije 2016
Hierbij ook nog de niet winnende ontwerpen:
Gr, StephanNárodná banka Slovenska schreef: Second prize
akad. soch. Ivan Řehák
Third prize
Mgr. art. Peter Valach
Third prize
Mgr. art. Miroslav Hric, ArtD.
Verzameling 2 euromunten uit de circulatie: 193/368 CC (52,4%) + 176/337 'Normaal' (51,9%) Totaal: 369/705 stuks (52,3%)
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 2532
- Lid geworden op: 16 mar 2012, 10:57
- Locatie: Onder Rotterdam
Re: Slowakije 2016
Gr, StephanNárodná banka Slovenska schreef:€20 silver collector coin
Historical Preservation Area of Banská Bystrica
Banská Bystrica, the regional capital of central Slovakia, lies in the Zvolen Basin below Urpín Hill in the valley of the Hron River. In 1255 King Béla IV conferred on it the rank of 'royal free town'. Over time Banská Bystrica became a leading mining town, based mainly on the mining of silver and copper. The local Thurzo-Fugger company was one of the world's major producers of copper. As the mines prospered in the 15th and 16th centuries, so the town underwent a construction boom. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was completely renovated, the Matthias House was built, and the Town Castle site was fortified. Civic administration buildings and impressive town houses were erected. The mining industry continued to thrive in the 17th century, as is evident from the Renaissance-style alterations made to houses in the main square. In the rebuilding work that followed the great fire of 1761, Baroque elements were a prominent feature. Mining gradually declined, and the 19th century saw craft industries become increasingly important. The centre of the town contains many historical buildings and structures, and in recognition of this fact it was declared an Urban Heritage Area in 1955.
Description of the coin
The obverse side of the coin shows the Renaissance front façade of Benický’s House in the background with the Holy Cross Church built out of the Scribes’ Bastion which is part of the defensive system of the Banská Bystrica town castle. In the lower part of the coin, completing the composition is an ornamental element. The national coat of arms of the Slovak Republic is positioned on the left side of the coin. Along its lower edge is a circular inscription of the country designation “SLOVENSKO” and the year 2016. In the upper-right part of the coin there is the denomination “20 EURO” and in the lower-right part is the mintmark of the Kremnica Mint.
The reverse side of the coin depicts the most outstanding architectural monuments of Banská Bystrica – the Parish Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, the Clock Tower, the tower of the barbican, and St Francis Xavier’s Church, with the Baroque Marian column in the foreground. The composition is completed by the oldest known seal of Banská Bystrica, which represents the mining tradition of the town, and by an ornamental element along the edge. Also along the edge are the words “PAMIATKOVÁ REZERVÁCIA BANSKÁ BYSTRICA” (“Historical Preservation Area of Banská Bystrica”). In the lower-right part are the stylised letters “MG”, the initials of the coin’s designer Michal Gavula.
Coin’s data
Designer: Michal Gavula
Material: Ag 925, Cu 75
Weight: 33,63 g
Diameter: 40 mm
Edge: inscription: "NAJKRAJŠIE HISTORICKÉ MESTÁ" (Most beautiful historic towns)
Producer: Kremnica Mint
Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt
Number of pieces minted:
brilliant uncirculated quality: 2,900
proof quality: 5,400
Date of issue: 30 March 2016
Laatst gewijzigd door Stephan O op 19 mei 2016, 10:41, 1 keer totaal gewijzigd.
Verzameling 2 euromunten uit de circulatie: 193/368 CC (52,4%) + 176/337 'Normaal' (51,9%) Totaal: 369/705 stuks (52,3%)
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 2532
- Lid geworden op: 16 mar 2012, 10:57
- Locatie: Onder Rotterdam
Re: Slowakije 2016
Het verliezende ontwerp:
Gr, StephanNárodná banka Slovenska schreef:Reduced second prize
Mgr. art. Roman Lugár
Verzameling 2 euromunten uit de circulatie: 193/368 CC (52,4%) + 176/337 'Normaal' (51,9%) Totaal: 369/705 stuks (52,3%)
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 2532
- Lid geworden op: 16 mar 2012, 10:57
- Locatie: Onder Rotterdam
Re: Slowakije 2016
Gr, StephanNárodná banka Slovenska schreef:€100 gold collector coin
Bratislava coronations – the 275th anniversary of the coronation of Maria Theresa
The father of Maria Theresa, the emperor Charles VI, had no living male descendant and so he tried to ensure his daughter’s smooth accession to the throne by various agreements and treaties. This plan did not succeed. After his death in 1740 the European powers, led by Prussia, launched an attack on her inheritance and Maria Theresa became embroiled in a long fight to secure her rights. Only the Hungarian estates recognised her as her father’s successor and remained loyal to her. They strongly supported her in her wars and agreed to her coronation as Queen of Hungary. The day chosen for the coronation was 25 June 1741. The coronation ceremony took place in Bratislava (then Pressburg), which was the coronation city of the Hungarian Kingdom from 1563 to 1830. During her reign from 1740 to 1780, Maria Theresa gradually reformed practically every area of public and economic life according to Enlightenment principles. Her statesmanship, political skills and reforms earned her respect and admiration even among her opponents. She died on 29 November 1780 in Vienna.
Description of the coin
Placed in an oval medallion, the obverse side of the coin depicts a historical scene from Maria Theresa’s coronation parade. To the right of the medallion is the coat of arms of the Slovak Republic. The name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’ is inscribed in the upper part of the coin. In the lower part is the denomination and currency ‘100 EURO’, separated from the year ‘2016’ by a graphic mark. The Kremnica Mint mark ‘MK’ and the stylised initials of the coin designer Vladimír Pavlica ‘VP’ are placed to the left of the medallion.
The reverse side of the coin shows a portrait of Maria Theresa placed in an oval medallion. Along the edge are the texts ‘KORUNOVÁCIA MÁRIE TERÉZIE’ (Coronation of Maria Theresa) and ‘BRATISLAVA’, and the coronation year ‘1741’, which are separated by graphic marks.
Coin’s data
Designer: Vladimír Pavlica
Material: Au 900, Ag 75, Cu 25
Weight: 9.5 g
Diameter: 26 mm
Edge: milled
Producer: Kremnica Mint
Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt
Number of pieces minted:
4,300 in proof quality
Date of issue: 17 May 2016
Verzameling 2 euromunten uit de circulatie: 193/368 CC (52,4%) + 176/337 'Normaal' (51,9%) Totaal: 369/705 stuks (52,3%)
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
- Globale moderator
- Berichten: 2532
- Lid geworden op: 16 mar 2012, 10:57
- Locatie: Onder Rotterdam
Re: Slowakije 2016
En de verliezende ontwerpen:
Gr, StephanNárodná banka Slovenska schreef:Reduced third prize
akad. soch. Michal Gavula
Reduced third prize
akad. soch. Ivan Řehák
Reduced third prize
Karol Ličko
Verzameling 2 euromunten uit de circulatie: 193/368 CC (52,4%) + 176/337 'Normaal' (51,9%) Totaal: 369/705 stuks (52,3%)
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool
ForumLid: #1080
3e in de EK 2016 voetalpool
5e in de Vrouwen EK 2017 voetbalpool
7e in de WK 2018 voetbalpool