New joiners

Speciaal voor de nieuwe leden. In deze rubriek vind je uitleg over de verschillende onderdelen van het forum. Spelregels, plaatsen van berichten, afbeeldingen, etc.
ajivanov86 Ukraine
Aankomend lid
Aankomend lid
Berichten: 3
Lid geworden op: 07 feb 2023, 20:38

New joiners

Bericht door ajivanov86 »

Hi everyone,

I am originally from Ukraine and I have some modern silver coins from my collection that i would like to trade or sell. Can you recommend any platform and place?
Anomander_Rake Ukraine
Senior lid
Senior lid
Berichten: 275
Lid geworden op: 11 feb 2021, 22:00

Re: New joiners

Bericht door Anomander_Rake »

What's up AJ,

Welcome to the coolest coins and paper money forum in the entire BeNeLUX.

I'm not an expert in the field of modern silver coins since my area of interest are gold coins from the late middle ages up to 1800. I just wanted to say Hello and welcome :angel:

What you could do, is:
1. Visit the Holland Coin Fair on February 10th & Saturday the 11th in Leidschendam ( or another future fair / collectors meeting. Lots of company representatives are present at these happenings. You can ask all the questions you may have;
2. Give an overview of the coins you want to sell or trade in the topic of this website that has been created for this purpose ( ). Don't forget to mention the coins you're interested in to get for in return;
3. Advertise your coins on or;
4. Contact one of the auction houses and show them the coins you want to get rid of. Maybe there are coins they are willing to auction off for you (,, there are more, just google them);
5. Lastly, there are several dealers active on the forum. If they're interested they'll contact you. You have a bigger chance of this when you post some pictures of the several of your most prized possessions. That's something we all love seeing here, by the way :)

Hope everything will work out for you.

Cheers and Slava Ukraini!
Leestip: Achtervolgd door de staatsmaffia, geschreven door Bill Browder.
Anomander_Rake Ukraine
Senior lid
Senior lid
Berichten: 275
Lid geworden op: 11 feb 2021, 22:00

Re: New joiners

Bericht door Anomander_Rake »

ajivanov86 schreef: 07 feb 2023, 20:41 Hi everyone,

I am originally from Ukraine and I have some modern silver coins from my collection that i would like to trade or sell. Can you recommend any platform and place?
This is the location where you can post the coins you're willing to sell (or trade):
Leestip: Achtervolgd door de staatsmaffia, geschreven door Bill Browder.
ajivanov86 Ukraine
Aankomend lid
Aankomend lid
Berichten: 3
Lid geworden op: 07 feb 2023, 20:38

Re: New joiners

Bericht door ajivanov86 »

Thanks for detailed answer.
I am going to visit Holland Coin Fair on Saturday the 11th . I have never visited coin fair, can i trade coins there or it is place only for buying coins?
sgtravel Nederland
Berichten: 1792
Lid geworden op: 17 jan 2010, 15:45

Re: New joiners

Bericht door sgtravel »

Welcome to this coin and banknote forum AJ!!

This coin fair is mainly for buying coins, from the dealers. But you can always bring your own coins, because the dealers are always looking for new stock as well!!

Hope you will enjoy the fair and show us your new coins, if you buy any!!!
Verzamelaar koninkrijk tot 1970 in FDC/MS64> & Nederlands Indië

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